Monday, October 4, 2010

A look back at the blizzard...

Tropical Storm Nicole just pounded the east coast with rain, and Baltimore received it's fair share and had some flooding. I'm glad I wasn't in Wilmington, NC - they got 21 inches of rain! Can you imagine if that rain was snow? The blizzards last winter were bad enough. But taking a look back at the last set of blizzards (two in one week), I have to say that I'm incredibly glad I was in the city. Restaurants, bars, Royal Farms and the corner stores were all pretty much open and I could walk to all of them. It sounds like this winter might be just as bad...but lets take a look back at this past winter....

Check out the picture below - there was too much snow and nowhere for the plows to put they made a wall in the street....

Another wall of snow in the middle of the street...

Streets they didn't bother plowing for a few days...

The only way out....

Ending at my destination that night...

It was fun the first couple of day, but I could go several years without a repeat...