Sunday, August 29, 2010

Patterson Park

Patterson Park is frequently referred to as "Baltimore's Best Backyard", and I'd have to agree! Possibly because it's essentially been my backyard for the past four years...but I also don't think I'd have lasted those four years here without it.  First and foremost because my dog won't do her business anywhere else. And even then she has way to much ground to choose from out of those 150 acres and takes her precious time...

Regardless, it's a great park and is surrounded by several different neighborhoods - Canton, Highlandtown, Butchers Hill, Upper Fells, and whatever those people directly to the north consider themselves...(I should know this but I don't). It's also got a fascinating history and for that I will refer you to the parks website: and those Images of America books: Baltimore's Patterson Park.  Great book!

While at one point serving a pivotal role in the war of 1812, later serving as an encampment for the Civil War, it's eventually become an Olmstedian style of park (Frederick Law Olmsted - played a central role in the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago- please please google if you're not familiar, I really wish I'd been around for that. He's most famously noted for Central Park in New York City.) He didn't actually design Patterson Park and I can't get into the park's history because it's pretty long and complicated, but with all of the buildings, the winding paths, the boat lake, etc.,etc., it's in his style.

Charles Latrobe was architect of the Pagoda (see below) and was also the grandson of Benjamin Latrobe, most famously noted for being an architect of the U.S. Capitol and more locally the Baltimore Basilica (the first Roman Catholic Cathedral constructed in the US). The Basilica is right downtown if you haven't been, on Cathedral Street between Franklin and Mulberry, right across from the library.

But it was a beautiful spring...

Cannons to the right - War of 1812


So obviously I'm a little obsessed with the Pagoda, but with the magnolias in full, perfect bloom, who wouldn't be? Magnolia blooms don't last too long...anyways, here's some more views of the park...

It was Spring, so not everything was in bloom, that Magnolia  was deceiving. In the center, but slightly to the left of this pic is the Natty Boh Tower, more of him to come later..You can also kind of see the boat lake just behind that picnic table.

And last but not least, the downtown skyline, as seen from the park...

There's much more to the park than what I've shown here...maybe I'll post a Round 2 of this sometime...

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