Friday, August 27, 2010

Welcome to Baltimore

Welcome to Baltimore! I'm not originally from here, but I've lived here for the past four years and it's a city I've grown to love (and sometimes hate, I have to admit...). It's a city packed full of neighborhoods, each with their own unique feel. First up is Mt. Vernon, and no, I'm not referring to Virgina! I've even met some supposed locals who think I'm talking about VA when I say Mt. Vernon...but no, this beautiful neighborhood is right downtown, just several blocks up from the harbor, north of the central business district. So for those of you that know the area, I mostly stuck around Mt. Vernon Sq. this day...maybe in the future I'll take some pics of the side streets, they have some great rowhouses up here, much more interesting that my neighborhood that's for sure.  

Washington Monument - the 1st Washington Monument I might add. Robert Mills was the architect of this and other Washington monument in DC. Construction began on this one in 1815, whereas Mills didn't begin construction of the one on the Mall until the late 1840s.
This church is so pretty it almost makes me want to go :)
The Belvedere Hotel (they're condos now though) - one of my most favorite buildings in the city...this isn't the best view..
One of the squares, there's three others - look on a map, they form a cross, it'd sure be nice to live across from one of them

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